La Parapharmacie
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Product Details

Indication :

Recommended for inflammation and pain in the joints, ligaments and tendons due to efforts to intensive training or unusual, a chill or bursitis. Spinal pain during osteoarthritis crises. rhumastimales pain. A good complement to osteopathic treatment, masssages and manipulation. In this case, take 4 sprays before and after the treatment session.

Dosage :

Acute: 4 sprays every half hour during painful attacks, then 4 sprays once or twice per day for one week.

Chronicle: At baseline, 2 doses per day for 3 consecutive weeks, then continue 4 sprays once a day every other week for several months. Stop the treatment when the pain stops.

Composition :

  • Black Currant 1 d
  • Bryonia 200
  • Copper Sulfate 5 d
  • Harpagophytum Procumbens 2 d
  • Poison Ivy 200
  • Ruta Graveolens 200 k




    Medical ingredients